Tuesday, September 27, 2011


My blog once used to be my prized possession.. The place where I'd pour out my feelings; not once giving a damn about how readable or aesthetic it was (And some really dumb posts bear testimony to that fact!).. Something went wrong and I just stopped writing.. and by that I mean, I stopped writing for myself. Because I used to miraculously produce articles one day before the due date of submission for my college newspaper..
Not to say I never toyed with the idea of writing again.. Whenever some national debate is going on, or a movie leaves a deep impact on me, I think of coming back here.. But i shy away at the last moment and instead spend time reading and commenting on other's blogs.. But this blog (which is made beautiful by the writer's ability to keep it simple, by sticking to her own honest take on things) made me confront my thoughts.. and so, my thoughts, have once again made a way back into this self-reflexive post! Just like ol' times :)
For my own sake, I hope this is just the first of many more such posts to come.



Anonymous Anubhuti said...

Forget inspiring, I have never been mentioned on anyone's blog! So I'm going a lil 'yay' at the moment :D

Keep writing. Here's hoping your thoughts will find their way to your blog pretty often now :)

Wednesday, October 05, 2011 11:50:00 PM

Anonymous Rachit said...

Anubhuti, you have effortlessly accomplished what i couldn't in the last 3 years - getting Ritwika to blog again. Will always be grateful to you :)
And Ritwika and I both agree, that yours is one of the most genuine blogs either of us has ever come across.

And you Ritwika Roy, keep blogging. I love how your mind works, among other things! ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011 4:59:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn't give up. Write anything.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 6:15:00 PM


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